Our Story
Gregorio Antonio Luciano, Founder and President of Luciano Brothers LLC/Dominican Magic is an organic chemist who realized that many professional hair care products in the market were expensive and ineffective in addressing the hair care needs of a diverse population. He seized the opportunity and in June 2006 launched Dominican Magic, a hair product line utilizing natural ingredients indigenous to the Dominican Republic. This line provides hair salon professionals with unique hair care products that utilize natural ingredients that work for a diversity of hair textures at an affordable price.
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Customer Reviews
Look great all year round!

Natural Protection
Invigorate and Hydrate your hair and scalp by combining the natural protection and restoration power of Avocado Oil

Organic Ingredients
Made with a natural botanical complex, all hair applicators are designed to increase the moisture and blood circulation of damaged and balding hair

Shiny and Long Hair
Gentle moisturizing Dominican Magic shampoos are formulated with Vitamin E and Biotin to help soften hair without weighing it down